Up Next, with Haley Bowen

An assignment for my Master’s degree.

I am advocator for doing the things that scare you, I find at times I don’t take my own advice. It has been a few since my last post and a lot has happened since then.

I decided last summer it was time to get my master’s. I knew what I wanted to do I just needed to find a school that had it. I am currently enrolled at the University of Oklahoma where this fall I will be graduating with a Master’s in Arts Management. This was project from my first class and I have been wanting to share it. The entire interview was really interesting and I just haven’t had the time to edit it but here is the shorter version I turned in.

Come back to hear the remaining interview as it was inspiring to hear her talk.

To find out more about Haley visit: haleybowen.com or connect with her on Social Media:


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